Aeropress Kit

Aeropress Kit


The AEROPRESS is a really unique way to make coffee, and it’s perfect for camping! Usually, coffee is steeped for between 10-50 seconds (depending on grind and preferred strength) and then forced through a filter by pressing a plunger through the tube. We love using this brewing method for coffees that are bright and sweet, or coffees like Brazilian, accentuating the depth of sweetness in that coffee.

  • BPA Free

  • Lightweight makes for an excellent travel coffee maker

  • Easy to clean

Pro Tips: The AeroPress is a versatile little brewer that can make one to two cups of coffee at a time. There are so many different approaches to brewing on the AeroPress, that it makes for a fun addition to any brewing apparatus collection. It's great for brewing quickly, traveling, and making coffee in situations where you don't have a scale. Check out the World AeroPress Championship website for tons of recipes designed by brewers all over the world. 

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